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Hello My Friends,
I know that some of you have been wondering why I haven't been by to visit your blogs or comment on your projects lately. I think that most of you know I have Meniere's Disease. I have vertigo, tinnitus, all that not fun stuff. I also have these "drop attacks". When I have a drop attack, I just suddenly drop to the floor. I don't have vertigo to warn me that I am going to drop, the vertigo doesn't come until I hit the floor and then it is really bad. So, the day before my birthday, I had a drop attack in my kitchen. I got up after the vertigo had passed and went on with my day. I really thought I was okay but then I started to notice that my back was sore...well, long story a little shorter, I have been in bed with the worst back pain I have ever had in my life! A lot of my family members have bad backs and my husband has a bad back, I don't know how they can stand it! I have been taking muscle relaxants, Ibuprophen and wearing those icy hot patches for almost a week now. I do back exercises a couple times a day but wow does this hurt! I now know two things to be true.
1. When I count my blessings, a strong back will be included in those blessings.
2. When my husband says his "back is out" I will baby him so much!
I hope "ya-all" will forgive me for not stopping by. I will come visit you all twice as soon as I can sit up for more than a few minutes without feeling like I'm gonna pass out!
I do have a project for you. This is a card I made for Copic Marker Scrapbooking when they were still in business.
Thanks for stopping by today! I appreciate your comments!
Floral Watering Can
1 day ago
Oh dear that is so sad we ENT Surgeons call the drop attacks Tumarkin's crisis and yes they are one of the bad forms of Meniere's.Take care Chriss and remember to keep your salt intake low
ReplyDeleteChriss, I'm so sorry this happened to you! Please take care of yourself and baby that back a while longer until all is better.
ReplyDeleteI'll be thinking of you.
Love the cute card too!
Hi Chriss,
ReplyDeleteTake care of yourself and get lots of rest!!!
Your card is very pretty!Adorable.Love the fall colors...
Sending my bloggie love to you,
Sweet Chriss, I noticed this post and have been trying so hard to get my computer to quit "freakin" out to stop over and see what happened. It keeps freezing up and running scripts. Glad I made it over. I sure hope you didn't mess anything up that would take serious treatment. Back pain is NO JOKE. I don't suffer severe pain, but I watched Lance go through crawling on all fours just to get to the bathroom, and 3 epidural blocks to get relief. It wasn't until he was diagnosed with sleep seizures and put on meds for it, that he got relief from the pain. I will say extra prayers for you to heal quickly, and don't your worry your little heart about visiting my blog. I know you will when you can! Hugs and Well Wishes.
Jessica S
oh friend I hope you get to feeling better. this makes me sad. I do love your card though so pretty. and I wanted to tell you I got my light box I cant tell you how much I love it. thank you so much again and hope you are better real soon.
ReplyDeleteOh no, Chrissy! I'm sorry to hear about your fall and what it did to your back. I hope it heals up quickly. Sending you hugs of comfort and love. - Trish
ReplyDeleteDid not know what you had to deal with. Hope you get to feeling better soon.
"Sunshine HoneyBee"
Wow Chriss, hope your feeling better soon! Back pain is awful to deal with...I was in a car accident 20 yrs. ago & injured my back & for a year I was in agony! It's no fun! Get lots of rest & be well soon!
ReplyDeleteHugs, Renee
Hope you are feeling better! Sweet card! Carri ~abusybee
You take care of yourself. None of us are going anywhere and will be here when you feel better. Love the card, BEAUTIFUL!
Oh Chriss, I'm so sorry to hear about all your pain. I've had a ruptured disc for the past 16 years that acts up periodically, and it's horrible. For me, one of the best things I can do for it (although it's also once of the most painful at first) is walking...even just a few minutes at a time at a slow leisurely pace will help. It helps to strengthen the muscles that laying in bed has weakened. I do it a few times a day and within a couple of days I start getting some relief. Staying in bed is usually the worst thing I can do for mine, although it feels the best at the time. Whenever my back feels like it's "going out" that's usually my cure.
ReplyDeleteI hope you're feeling 100% VERY soon.
AWW! So sorry to hear you're not feeling well sweetie!! Hope you heal quickly!! Big hugs to you! LOVE your darling Fall creation!! Such fun Fall colors here!! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry you're hurt. I hope you recover soon. it's not fun to be in such pain. you are in my prayers. your project looks amazing! good job :D
ReplyDeleteHey Sweetie!
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry to hear about your fall and back pain. I can COMPLETELY sympathize with you as I blew out 2 lumbar disks several years ago. Just take it easy and we'll are be here when you get back to your normal routine. Let me know if there's anything I can do. Prayers going up!
OH SWEET CHRISS!!! I am so sorry to hear about all you are going through. Forgive ME for not popping around. I have been so busy and feel HORRIBLE to hear that my friend has not been feeling well. Sending you lots of hugs and prayers. Hope you feel like yourself again soon!!!
ReplyDeleteBIG HUGS!!!
Oh Chriss, I am so sorry to hear about this. I'm also sorry I wasn't around sooner to wish you well...I just returned from vacation. I hope you are doing much better my sweet friend. Praying for you!! Your card is absolutely adorable!! I love the image :)
A Mermaid's Crafts